I bought six of these cobalt blue bottles recently and have been enjoying using them in my still life set ups. I have a variety of shapes and sizes. Finding the balance in my painting style leads me to challenge everything I do, and sometimes I just settle for less when if I had pushed just a little harder I would have found what I was looking for. That is the case with this painting. I realizd that it wasn't working at all and went back into the painting very carefully seizing upon the opportunity to rework strategic ares of form and color. I am happy with the results. I wish that my process were cleaner and more polished and maybe that will come in time, but for now, I muddle along. Does anyone else relate to this? Or...am I the only culprit!
Day 43
I read a lot of blogs, and it seems to me that most people feel the way you do at times. Lots of days I don't even want to post my paintings because I'm unhappy with them.
If it will make you feel better, my daughter who is an art teacher LOVES your paintings. She loves the color and spontaneity and looseness.
The camera doesn't show our negative feelings about our own work! We see something different than you do when you look at your work.