Yellow is such a difficult color for me to work with. . .I think it is because of the difficulty in defining values. I set these bananas against an aqua glass vase. I am not so sure I captured it so that it looked like glass. The vase is a flat and not round object and that made it even more difficult. Sometimes when I see it on the screen I can see it better. Any suggestions on what I could do to make it appear more transparent? I welcome all comments!
Yellow is such a difficult color for me to work with. . .I think it is because of the difficulty in defining values. I set these bananas against an aqua glass vase. I am not so sure I captured it so that it looked like glass. The vase is a flat and not round object and that made it even more difficult. Sometimes when I see it on the screen I can see it better. Any suggestions on what I could do to make it appear more transparent? I welcome all comments!