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Scenes from my Garden

These members of the Hibiscus family bloom along the winding driveway to my home. They are abundant this year and I wanted to share some of their beauty.

They look like colorful flying saucers, and speaking of saucers, these beauties are actually the size of dinner plates!

My Gardens and surroundings inspire my creativity. In these small paper collages I explore the plant life forms and explore color. Please come along and enjoy the South Carolina summer with me.


Anonymous said…
Very cool, Linda! The last one reminds me of Matisse's cut outs!
martinealison said…
Votre invitation me tente bien ma chère!... quels merveilleux hibiscus vous nous montrez!... J'adore. Dans mon jardin les miens sont bleus et d'autres blancs. Mais toutefois les rouges ont cet exotisme que je raffole.
Vos collages sont aussi sublimes et fantastiques, bravo!
Gros bisous.
Jerry Stocks said…
Love the collages and the photographs of the hibiscus. I have a yellow one in my front yard, and it makes me happy to see it every morning.
Douglas Clark said…
I like your cutouts. It Is really nice to be inspired by your own garden. I go out to mine with the intent to paint and wind up pulling weeds, watering, and filling the bird feedrers.
Michelle said…
Love the collages!
LindaHunt said…
Thank you all for your comments on my collage works. They are inspiring to me right now.
Douglas, that is so funny...I do the same thing. Thank heavens for a camera!!
Susan Roden said…
A girl after my heart! I have done a lot of 2d + 3d paper collages when employed as an editorial artist - just love the art, so smiled when I spotted yours Linda.
Love the gradation and cropped image of the first so much!
Collage is super cool, especially the top one.

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