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Showing posts from February, 2017

Roses Galore

I thoroughly enjoyed painting this painting.  Used a limited palette of Titanium white, Naples Yellow, Cad Yellow Medium, Ultramarine Blue, Thalo Blue Green, Alizarin Crimson, Vermilion.  I laid out a painting in a similar way that Dennis Parrin does and it worked beautifully.  One thing that I found very helpful was to just let the paint glide onto the canvas very gently not feeling or touching the canvas.  An incredibly gentle touch was what was needed.


I like this now...finished it was it tough.....a limited palette.   Titanium white, Naples Yellow, Thalo green blue, Ultramarine Blue, Cad Yellow Med, Hansa Yellow, Quinacrione Magenta.....sometimes you just have to follow your bliss.

Orange Pepper

Can't rest until I get the painting right........


Not too pleased with this painting which was a total wipe-out and may be again.....


It takes almost as much time to set up a still life as it does to paint has to speak to me to be right.  I had a lot of fun with this painting.  My objective was to work with intense color...The vase contains vinegar water so you can imagine that my studio smells like a salad.....In this painting I used a palette of Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Thalo Blue, Quinacradone Magenta, Titanium White, Cad Red Light, Coral, Sap Green, Naples Yellow, Yellow Ochre....wellllll I just wanted a rich full palette....


Loved painting this painting.....palette.....Cad Yellow Lt & Med & Deep.....Quinacridone Magenta, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Turquoise Blue. Sap Green, Ivory Black, and Titanium White.  It was a big palette...but I needed it because I couldn't quite get the tints or shades that I was after.  This was the beginning of a turn toward larger paintings.