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Stretched Canvas

This is a much larger painting than I have been working on.  I chose the subject matter because of the colors and the tissue paper surrounding the ornaments.  I found that I needed to gray down the values in the paper to get it to read as white.  I think that I may have been able to go a bit darker.  I have never worked to any extent with cloth or folded paper and this presented many challenges.  I painted each section of the painting and finished a section before moving on the next section.  Was this the wisest way to work?  Perhaps and then again perhaps not....I need to think more about it.  Fun painting to do!


I love this one. The contrast of the white paper wrapping some of the bowls, cutting of some of the colors and shapes. Lovely, one of my favorites so far.
LindaHunt said…
Thanks, Roger! I enjoyed this one and boy did I enjoy working larger!
Unknown said…
What a nice job you did. It reads perfectly, the ornaments just shine. Working larger is a very nice change......sometimes it just feels more free.
Nancy Hawkins said…
This is absolutely exquisite Linda. I do love your style of painting, you inspire me!
Jane said…
A fun painting and beautiful too . Surely not easy with all the paper and the creases, but it came out great and the whites are perfect !

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