This just goes to show you what happens when the color note of the background doesn't turn out the way you want. I like the apple well enough to not wipe it out though. I've been working with a very limited palette and find that sometimes it is a real challenge. The palette is Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Lemon, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson and White. The one thing that I dislike about my paintings to date is that they are all so pastel. I thought that by limiting my palette amd concentrating on developing new colors from a few might help me over the hump. My problem is how to deepen the colors.
This just goes to show you what happens when the color note of the background doesn't turn out the way you want. I like the apple well enough to not wipe it out though. I've been working with a very limited palette and find that sometimes it is a real challenge. The palette is Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Lemon, Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson and White. The one thing that I dislike about my paintings to date is that they are all so pastel. I thought that by limiting my palette amd concentrating on developing new colors from a few might help me over the hump. My problem is how to deepen the colors.