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Showing posts from September, 2016

Spring Landscape

This small 6"x 8" oil painting is painted on Gessobord.  I enjoyed the entire process from the notan to the finished stroke.  I concentrated my attention to my brushstrokes keeping them to a minimum.  It was an exercise in discipline. 


Fun, fun painting to do.  I used a simple palette of Vermillion, Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Cad Yellow Lt, and Titanium White.  Well, I did use a touch of Dioxazine Purple.

Daily Sketch #53

This was a pretty difficult shoe to sketch with all of the straps and glitter.  It feels a little wonky and I may have to try this again to get a good drawing.  I bought this pair of shoes for $1.00....I love these crazy high heel shoes which I don't ever nor would I ever wear!  But nonetheless they are very fun to draw and paint.

New Abstracts

Neutral Nirvana

There are times when all I want to paint is an abstract.  Yesterday I decided to use 3 colors and explore the neutrals that I could obtain.  I used Ultramarine Blue, Dioxazine Purple, and Yellow Ochre.  I know a strange combination....but look at the gorgeous neutrals!  Ahhh makes my heart go pit a pat!!!:) I am actually going to pursue this further because it has sparked an idea that is just frantic to get out!

Daily Sketch #52

Sitting in my studio this afternoon and relaxing with my sketchbook and pencil....quiet afternoon.....

Daily sketch #51

I went treasure shopping yesterday and found this small earthenware decanter which I believe may be raku.  It is lovely.  It isn't crooked it is the way that the paper folded when I photographed it.  Anyway the shape and decoration make this a very special piece.

Chocolate Cherry Bliss

This was a fun painting....I gave myself 30 minutes and limited my strokes and tried not to work over an area more than needed.  I used a simple palette of Vermillion, Quinacridone Red, Ultramarine Blue, Cad Yellow Med, Titanium White.  I love the color harmony when using a limited palette.

Daily sketch #50

Sushi...I have to say this was so much fun to I am going to work on a larger large?  I just don't know yet....


I gave myself about 30 minutes to complete this painting.  I wanted fresh, loose, and full of energy...sometimes I think that I paint too much.  I worked to lay down each stroke and not work back into it too much.  I enjoyed this process and will try again.  With this palette I used quinacridone Red, Azo Yellow, Ultramarine Blue and Titanium white.  In particular I loved the neutrals that I was able to get.

Daily sketch #49

Today a white chocolate meringue cupcake...

Daily sketch #48

Sushi....this was fun.......

Daily sketch #46 & #47

Worked very hard on these drawings....feeling that I am making gradual progress and feeling comfortable.


This is a 7"x 5" oil painted on Gessobord.  I used a controlled palette of Alizarin Crimson, Cad Red Med, Ivory Black, Naples Yellow, and Titanium White.  I did mix my red with a bit of Cad Orange.  My apple melted under the bright light.....the candy just slumped off.....:)

Daily sketch #45

I have been working on some daily sketches and this one was the only one I care to show....I need to keep working on the ones that didn't cut the mustard....


I enjoyed this painting and once again I need to photograph under natural lighting tomorrow morning.  The palette that I used was Cerulean Blue, Cad Orange, Cad Yellow Lt., Alizarin Crimson, Titanium White, Ivory Black, and Naples Yellow.

Daily sketch #44

This was a bit more challenging than I thought it would is a jar of honey with honeycomb.


This painting is 6"x 6" on Gessobord....what I have learned so far .....Trust your gut!!!!!!!

Daily sketch #43

This is a sketch before I begin my new painting which I will tackle this afternoon.......

Daily Sketches

#42 #40 #41 I felt like drawing today.....I am gearing up to paint....

Heavenly Blackberries

These babies were really difficult to paint.  I tried to capture the planes to give form and to capture the depth and light.  Quite challenging indeed.  The colors were dense and dark and I really had to vary the value and color to get it to read like berries.  I used a simple palette of Alizarin Crimson, Cad Yellow Med, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White, Naples yellow, and a tad bit of Magenta. Daily sketch #39.........Audrey's toe shoes.....