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Oh yummm!

Raymar Canvas Panel

$75.00 plus $8.00 shipping in the lower United States.

I have eaten dried figs many times...I love them. Today I bought fresh figs after learning how to eat them. Oh my gosh!! They are so delicious. I love the blue hue of their skins and their plump little shapes.


Sheriart said…
I love your dark rich color in this one. It has a great design too.
Wonderful, Linda! And their belly-like pudginess!
martinealison said…
Les figues fraîches c'est tellement délicieux!!! Cette année mon figuier ne m'a fait aucun fruit!!! grrrrrrrr
Je me régale en admirant ton travail!
Des nuances de bleus sensationnelles pour cette belle composition.
Gros bisous
Ruth Andre said…
The painting is wonderful. Love the color combination and the composition.
Robin Rosenthal said…
Like your blues and violets and painterly style.

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