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Autumn Leaf

An autumn leaf that I found on my walk today.  With this painting I tried to stay very connected with where I was laying my brush stokes and the value and color I was using.  For some reason I am beginning to feel very connected with my own style and painting procedure.  I know that this sounds rather crazy since  have been painting for some time now.  The one thing that I was aware of today was value relationships.  I worked very hard to lay the correct tones in without too much editing.  I did end up wiping out whole areas and starting over several times.  I keep thinking about the avoidance of petting the paint.  Gosh that makes so much sense.


Beautifully rendered !
LindaHunt said…
Thank you, Nancy I appreciate your comment.
martinealison said…
Bonjour chère amie,

Dame Automne vous assistait en peignant cette belle feuille. Vous honorez divinement bien les couleurs automnales.
Beau travail !

Gros bisous ☼
LindaHunt said…
Thank you, Martine....I love the fall colors and am so ready for the change of season!

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