8"X 8" Oil Canvas Panel $125.00 I bought these beets several days ago and needed to paint them because they were not going to last much longer. Found Here
11"X 14" Oil Stretched Canvas $350.00 I really enjoyed painting this painting. It felt a little bit out of my comfort zone because I have been painting on much smaller canvases. In this painting I tried some things that I have seen some of my favorite artists do when laying out and painting. It worked. This painting can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/161120647/large-brand-new-painting-red-grapes-by?ref=shop_home_active My website: www.lindahuntfineart.com www.facebook.com/lindahuntfineart
6"X 6" Oil Stretched Canvas $125.00 Fun perspective in this playful, colorful little painting. It really makes a nice little abstract as well as a still life! Found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/160858230/perspective-is-the-key-herelooking-down?ref=shop_home_active
8"X 6" Oil Raymar Canvas Panel $110.00 The little gold cup and saucer are a new acquisition from Ebay. Just fell in love with the color. In this painting I tried very hard to use a minimum number of strokes. I wanted to keep it fresh, abstract and clear. Found Here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/160784852/yes-a-new-paintinggold-cup-by-linda-hunt?ref=shop_home_active
8"X 10" Oil Stretched Canvas $130.00 I have been so busy revamping my website...did this one day before yesterday. Please visit my website which is almost up to date! www.lindahuntfineart.com This painting can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/160628189/a-brand-new-painting-zinnia-by-linda?ref=shop_home_feat
6"X 6" Oil Stretched Canvas $110.00 I bought this pretty little pink cup on Etsy! Find the painting here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/159903663/oh-so-new-painting-pink-cup-by-linda?ref=shop_home_active
6"X 6" Oil Stretched Canvas $110.00   My hydrangeas are still holding out...plan on getting my monies worth! Found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/159852719/brand-new-painting-small-hydrangea-by?ref=shop_home_active
$40.00 FREE SHIPPING These are new! A set of (5) cards beautifully packaged in a silver box with plastic lid and silver stretch bow. Found Here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/159495364/boxed-greeting-cards-by-linda-hunt?ref=shop_home_active
8"X 8" Oil Stretched Linen SOLD This was the very last of my hydrangea for the season. This painting can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/159265493/a-new-paintinghydrangea-by-linda-hunt?ref=shop_home_feat
8"X 10" Oil Stretched Canvas Painting apples is not my favorite thing to paint...but I have taken it on in the hopes that I can learn. This painting can be found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/158965702/looknew-workfruit-bowl-by-linda-hunt?ref=shop_home_active
8"X 8" Oil Stretched Linen New painting of fresh bananas. Yellow is a tricky color but I felt very comfortable with using it in this painting. Found here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/158573197/new-painting-fresh-bananas-by-linda-hunt?ref=shop_home_active