I set this still life up in my studio with controlled lighting. It is an interesting subject, the still life, and I have been studying and looking at many works of art. Grouping and balance seem to be a key ingredient of a good still life. Is it the lighting, the color, or the narrative that makes one stand out? I have looked at many where the objects themselves do not necessarily inspire me, but the way that the artist brings a bit of himself or herself to the painting.
My backyard on a very warm and sultry early morning in June.

Jerry...thank you for commenting. I have been trying something new with my color...appreciate that you mentioned the background!
What a beautiful view you have. Glad you shared it.
You are still producing beautiful and colourful paintings, and this one is one of them. I love it Linda. Well done. Thank you for your lovely comment on my latest painting. I tried to answer your comment just a while ago and it didn`t recognise the address, Silly computers eh? I will try again shortly. All the best Linda.
Thanks Carol
Thanks Kathy...think the white flower needs more work, though.
Thanks Polly!