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I bought these little geisha dolls some time ago and just love painting them. I enjoyed painting the blue violet fabric again minus the polka dots. I tried putting them in and the painting became too busy. I like detail, but I prefer limited detail.

Canvas Panel


Hi Linda, Stunning colors,oh that blue. The nice thing with oils is that you can paint over things you don't like. I think my watercolors get so overworked because i can't eliminate so i just keep adding. Oh and my lack of impulse control and my love of mesmerizing color!
What a great mix of colors. That lime green adds so much without dominating.
Re: your post My Blue Bottle. I know what you mean about a cleaner and more polished process. And you are does come with time. I feel that I have been muddling along for quite awhile, and then sometimes it all comes together...I know what I want to say and HOW to say it. Whenever we challenge ourselves, and work towards a goal, it takes a lot of "muddling" to get where we want to be. But I think its worth it.
Janice said…
really nice fluid brushstrokes!
Virginia Floyd said…
My husband brought back little dolls like these for my daughters when he traveled to Japan years ago. I hadn't thought of painting them.

Love this set up, Linda. I like the doll partly behind the glass. It does interesting things to the image. The umbrellas are a nice addition, too.
Douglas Clark said…
Really nice color composition.
Polly Jones said…
Lovely! You really captured the reflective glass in such simple strokes.
LindaHunt said…
Thank you, Polly. Love to work with transparent glass!

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