4"X 6" Oil on Panel $79.95 This tiny painting has a big voice! After painting large I had a great desire to downsize and work on something more simple. I pushed and pulled the values and colors. I did use my red Plexiglas screen to see the broader shapes and squinted to simplify those shapes.
This scene was taken in Savannah after a bike race. My husband shot the photo...I liked the pattern of the wheels and the overall cityscape. It was a real challenge though because the painting is 2' X 5'. I am so used to working smaller...much smaller...I finally broke the painting into bite size pieces and painted it that way. There may be a bit more tweaking by I like it.
This is a bit of a rework, but I think that I like it. I am trying to include painting from memory and feeling in my paintings. I worked from a photograph initially and then went back in and remembered what it felt like to be here at the salt marsh in November when she wore her Fall colors.
8"X 10" Oil on Board $85.00 After a little time away from painting, I returned today and reworked a painting. I did this painting from memory and from a drawing that I had previously done. I played more with color and allowed myself to feel the paint more. I like it...although I may change my mind...but for now it marks a direction in which I would like to travel.
8"X 8" Oil Canvas Panel $125.00 These peaches are spilling out of my peach colored depression glass cracker jar. I happen to love southern peaches...they are so sweet!
6"X4" Oil Canvas Board $115.00 I redid this painting on a smaller scale and worked more quickly...I find that sometimes I belabor the process and I do not get the energy I am looking for. I like this little study a lot.
10"X8" Oil Stretched Canvas $165.00 This was a tiny little hole in the wall of an apartment in one of the townhouses in Savannah. The residents on these old city streets adorn the entryways with a profusion of flowers and plants. It is a real joy to behold.
14"X11" Oil Stretched Canvas $250.00 This lovely home was on a side street in Charleston, SC. I was drawn to the interplay of sunlight on the house, foliage and flowers. The day was warm, sunny and bright.